Skin Aging Ingredients to Reverse Sugar Glycation

We’d all love to have perfect skin, but thanks to modern lifestyles, peachy, bouncy and plump skin seems unattainable. The main barrier to great skin is the food that we put in our mouths. Most Americans get more than 50 percent of their calories from refined sugar, flour and oil and another 25 percent of […]
Sprayology homeopathy changes your health today
Do you want to feel better now without compromise? Sprayology is nature’s way to balance and restore. Your health definitely changes within minutes after you spritz a remedy under your tongue. You may choose how good you want to feel. Skin Apeel Day Spa-Boca Raton has faithfully encouraged their clients to spray a day to […]
The 5 Minute FACE Lift – Do It Yourself Today

The 5 Minute Face Lift is Easy and It Works! Good news- An FDA approved device that takes years off in a very short time. No pain, no gain is a term of the past with this holistic technology current rage. Celebrities jump on board to ensure their best face foward on the red carpet. […]
Alzheimer’s Fun- fundraising with Boca spa team

The Alzheimer’s fundraising buzz is loud and clear as one Boca spa rises to the occasion! Skin Apeel Day Spa spreads purple passion to clients and friends alike. This business of twenty three years is raising the bar with creative and fun- fundraising… In house $5 raffles tickets are offered to spa clients for a […]
Body Contouring – What Is Body Contouring, Devices And Cost

A NEW Body Contour summer shape can be yours without surgery or diet pills. South Florida’s Best Holistic Spa has recently added a favorite to its result-driven therapy menu. If a healthy lifestyle isn’t reaching hard to target areas, this power-packed treatment will! Tried and proven, the Canadian born P.R. Cell device unites with UltraSound […]
Alternative health care proves to be smart medicine

Alternative health care is the best approach to wellness. Before you call a general physician, consider the holistic approach. How about a soothing session that is comprehensive and pure? At Skin Apeel Day Spa in Boca Raton, Fl, Acupuncture is king. This ancient practice has its roots in China tracing back 2,500 years. It’s been […]
Eating well tips and more from Dr Oz to live your best.
Eating well is so much a part of our health. You are what you eat and daily habits impact our well-being. For centuries, people all over the world have been admired and studied for their longevity secrets. It’s not uncommon to reach the ripe age of 100 and to live well too. We know our […]
Sun Exposure Effects On The Immune System – Dos And Don’ts

What’s up with the immune system and sun exposure… Major news here people! This is for all of us who skip the sunscreen step (we know who we are). Mary Keefe, skin specialist at Skin Apeel Day Spa shares her concern. “Not only do we need to be worried about skin cancer, but scientific studies […]
Eyebrow Shapes Service To Rejuvenate Your Youth Looks

Eyebrow shapes frame your face and are essential to how you look. The perfect line keeps your youth intact. Image a beautiful picture without a decorative frame. Since the eyes are the windows to the soul, it only makes sense to frame your windows to your taste. Regardless of wearing makeup, when this feature is […]
NuFace Trinity and Spa Martini Sold Out Show
The Nuface Trinity was the highlight of what proved to be a best event for Skin Apeel Day Spa. The date was March 16th and the time was definitely happy hour! More than thirty women flocked the Boca Raton spa to be lifted; mind, body and spirit. The event was a main attraction as who […]