Alternative health care is the best approach to wellness. Before you call a general physician, consider the holistic approach. How about a soothing session that is comprehensive and pure? At Skin Apeel Day Spa in Boca Raton, Fl, Acupuncture is king. This ancient practice has its roots in China tracing back 2,500 years. It’s been practiced for centuries all over the world. Based on the theory that chi flows through your body. This chi energy travels along pathways called meridians. When illness or chi blocks occur, Acupuncture re-aligns the flow. Small needles at selected points promote homeostasis. A tingling sensation or slight numbness at the insertion site is common. Most agree acupuncture is pain-free, it increases endorphins! This popular treatment trend is safe with a certified provider. Sterile, single-use, disposable needles are required by law.
Your alternative health care provider will assess your overall health.
This holistic exam may include pulse and tongue diagnosis. Additional techniques help the provider choose points best for you. Tiny needles open chi to unblock and regulate. These needles are gently tapped into the skin. Left in place as you rest comfortably for about 15 minutes. Several treatments help restore chi flow. Regular visits ensure health and energy balance. The World Health Organization deems Acupuncture effective for the following:
Acupuncture For Cardiovascular Disorders Benefits:
- Neurological Disorder Relief: Headache and migraine. Facial palsy (early stage, within 3-6 months). Paresis following stroke. Neuropathies and Meniere’s Disease. Bladder dysfunction and Disc problems.
- Muscular-skeletal Disorders: Muscle pain, swelling, stiffness, and weakness. Localized traumatic injuries and sprains. Tendonitis, Arthritis and Fibromyalgia, Work and sports-related injuries. Low back pain and Osteoarthritis. Frozen shoulder, Tennis elbow and Sciatica.
- Respiratory System Disorders: Acute sinusitis and Acute rhinitis. Colds, Tonsillitis and Bronchitis. Bronchial asthma
- Disorders of the Eye, Ear, Nose & Mouth: Conjunctivitis and Myopia (in children). Cataract (without complications). Toothaches and post-extraction pain. Gingivitis and Pharyngitis.
- Gastrointestinal Disorders: Spasms of Esophagus and Cardia. Irritable bowel and Colitis. Hiccough and Gastritis. Gastric hyperacidity and Colitis. Constipation and Diarrhea.
- Gynecological Disorders: PMS, Dysmenorrhea, and Menopause. Benign irregular menstruation and Benign Amenorrhea.
- Psychological Disorders: Depression and Anxiety. OCD and PTSD. Somatization disorder, Hypersomnia, and Insomnia.
- Other Disorders: Withdrawal from street and pharmacological drugs and appetite suppression.
Alternative health care is the way of a wellness future. Almost every imbalance can be diagnosed and treated with this safe solution. Skin Apeel Day Spa was named South Florida’s Best Holistic Spa. This long-standing haven offers holistic care on so many levels. Katharine Morse resides as the spa in house acupuncturist. Katharine is known as an expert in her field. She achieves healing success with numerous conditions. To view a full menu, please visit
The next time you feel unbalanced, consider the power and potential of alternative health care. For more insight- contact 561-852-8081.