Alternative health care proves to be smart medicine

Alternative health care is the best approach to wellness. Before you call a general physician, consider the holistic approach. How about a soothing session that is comprehensive and pure? At Skin Apeel Day Spa in Boca Raton, Fl, Acupuncture is king. This ancient practice has its roots in China tracing back 2,500 years. It’s been […]
Pure Greens Water Enhancer – Now In Stock

A new product on our spa shelves has everyone’s attention. A few drops in your water bottle can change your attitude and health. Pure Greens water enhancer is the latest of the green tea formulas created by Pure Inventions. Sip slowly to detoxify and build immunity while enjoying the taste. Usually, beverages that are good […]
Skin care that beautifies and restores
Finding skin care that beautifies and restores is finding the fountain of youth. Looking our best is key and your face is tell tale of what’s going on inside. Healthy diet and proper exercise are requirements in having the glow that celebrities boast. Attitude and happiness make a difference in overall well-being. And yet, equally […]
Boca Raton Spa Celebrates 22 Years of Success
The search for a Boca Raton spa can be a confusing when shopping for yourself or to give a spa gift card. When surfing the internet- looks for longevity and good reviews. Skin Apeel Day Spa excels in both categories. This Boca Raton spa was the first day spa in 1992 to open in our […]