Eating well is so much a part of our health.  You are what you eat and daily habits impact our well-being.  For centuries, people all over the world have been admired and studied for their longevity secrets.  It’s not uncommon to reach the ripe age of 100 and to live well too.
We know our immune system is essential to our health and happiness.  The diseases we fear can be less a threat with simple eating well suggestions and more.  As of lately, a major network has been doing a series about how to live to 100 and Dr. Oz did a recent segment this past week entitled “Live to 100; feel 60”.
Your Boca Raton spa thought it newsworthy enough to share.  Here’s to easy advice that may have a big impact.

Eating well starts us off with a running start to a happy finish line

7 tips to a healthy life
Drink coffee or tea 2-3 cups per day has been shown to reduce the risk of cancer, heart, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.
Cinnamon in your coffee or tea helps to regulate insulin and acts as an anti-inflammatory for the whole body.
Eating well with RAW nuts. Best nuts are cashews, almonds, walnuts, pistachio nuts, macadamia nuts,  hazelnuts, brazil nuts, and pecans.
Savor Purple foods. i.e., red cabbage, red beets, blueberries, grapes, etc., this helps protect the cells and heal the body. Try for 4-5 times a week.
Walk…even just 10 minutes a day; 3 days a week.
Sleep an extra hour every night; try going to bed an hour earlier. Adequate sleep makes a huge impact on memory improvement and cellular restoration.  Skin Apeel Day Spa has homeopathic sleep remedies to assist with a good night’s rest.
Reach out to at least 1 friend every day. This has been shown to up your resistance to colds and flu and increases your immune system.  Staying in contact with friends makes us healthy… how wonderful is that!
Start today with enjoying these 7 healthy habits to live a long life. South Florida’s Best Holistic Spa is known for health treatments and home care to match.  Eating well and more is easy. Cheers to your health!  561-852-8081  Open daily.

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