There are so many advances in skincare and makeup that natural mineral makeup just seems like it has always been around. The benefits are better for some than others. But, there are enough to go around. But, are the benefits that you can take advantage of?

Far Less Harmful Chemicals

A lot of non-organic makeup has chemicals in it. These chemicals can be horrible for your skin. Then, you have them sitting on top of it for hours and hours in the day. It feels caked on and heavy because of everything it contains and what that is doing to your skin. In many ways, it can make your skin weighed down and make it harder for it to breathe. We often forget that your skin is an organ and requires consideration, too. The last thing you want is to make it harder for your skin to breathe or to have too many chemicals on your skin. Those who wear makeup daily will notice these effects very quickly.
Good skin

Fewer Irritants

Surgeons suggest natural mineral makeup after surgery for a reason. Even though there may be fewer chemicals in your makeup, that doesn’t mean that it won’t irritate your skin. There are still plenty of ingredients that might make your skin feel tight or itchy. Some of these are oils, preservatives, and fragrances. This is your skin reacting to something in the makeup that it doesn’t like.
If you don’t listen to what your body is telling you, it will scream louder. This means you could have an allergic reaction and your face could turn red or even manifest blemishes as a reaction. This isn’t something you want to deal with just so that you can put on makeup. If you are wearing it every day, this is even more of a red flag!

Acne and Spots Help

Those with acne and blemishes will find that natural mineral makeup is easier on their skin. There will be less irritation, and it will not clog your pores. You already have skin problems; you don’t need to create more.
Acne can be stressful enough; you don’t want to make it worse. In some cases, natural mineral makeup can help absorb some oils that occur naturally on your face. This is something that you should look into if you already have problems with oily skin. There are systems that also offer a way to mask acne, which will do plenty for your self-confidence!

Screens the Sun

Natural mineral makeup already has components from sunscreen in it. While they aren’t in large amounts, it will offer you some protection. You will want to check the product to see how much, to make sure you are getting what you need. However, it is still recommended that you apply sunscreen to your skin when using natural mineral makeup. You can never have enough protection, and the effects of sun damage can be hard to reverse. Not only will it take a lot of time and effort, in some cases it may not be reversible at all.

Lighter Finish

For some people, the other benefits are just a bonus. Quite a few purchases of natural mineral makeup come from its light application. It doesn’t feel caked on, and it doesn’t weigh you down. In many cases, it is faster to apply as a result. The lighter finish means you’ll almost forget you’re wearing makeup. It is something that means a lot to people who don’t like the “overdone” look or hate the feeling of wearing makeup. It can also mean less makeup to carry around in your bag, depending on which system you use. A lot of times you will have to reapply your makeup-less, as well. There are also lighter eyeshadow and blush options with most systems, which is also a huge benefit. You don’t want to take the time to research your liquids and powders, only to apply a blush that will clog your pores.
You can read more about the benefits of natural mineral makeup here. But, you may also want to consult a professional. They can take a look at your skin and make the best recommendation for you. You don’t want to take someone else’s word on what makeup you are using. Their skin is not like yours, no matter how much it might seem like it is. Just because you both have oily skin doesn’t mean you both have the same skincare routine or stay in the sun the same amount of the day. There are far too many factors for you to risk your skin health to break room recommendations. You can start your research here. Be sure to ask them any questions you have about natural mineral makeup, but also your skincare. They may have a better recommendation for your routine that will help you achieve your goals.

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