This past week, the ladies at Skin Apeel Day Spa were personally educated by Eminence Organic Skin Care Founder, Boldijarre Koronczay. Their goal: to deliver high-quality, organic skincare to the world. Boldijarre’s story inspired us to not only pursue excellence in our profession but to advocate for a more healthy, natural lifestyle.
After surviving Leukemia as a child, Boldijarre dedicated his life to natural living crediting his organic lifestyle as the key to his recovery. Needless to say, we learned so much and can’t wait to reveal more on what we’re cooking up as a result of his teachings. Until then, we’ll share with you a couple of DIY Organic Facials Boca Raton spa lovers can whip up at home!
All the following skincare treatments are quick and easy to whip up at home. Just mash up the ingredients, apply and reap the organic skincare beautifying benefits provided naturally by Mother Earth.

DIY Sensitive Skin Cleanser

Diy Face Cleanse
Ingredients: Honey, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, Baking Soda
How To Prepare: For those with easily irritated skin, this delicate skin cleanser will not only cleanse your skin but leave it moisturized and soft. Stir three tablespoons coconut oil by itself in a small bowl until creamy. Stir in 1 teaspoon raw honey and one teaspoon baking soda until thoroughly mixed.
How To Use: Apply a small amount to skin in a circular motion and let sit to pull out toxins. Remove with a warm washcloth and rub any residual product into your skin.

Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar Skin Peel

Apple Cider Vinegar Skin Peel
Ingredients: Apple Cide Vinegar, Organic Applesauce
How To Prepare: Before starting any skincare routine, it’s essential to remove dead skin cells. Daily, this is quickly done with a gentle exfoliator or cleanser. But as our skin turns over roughly every two weeks, it’s just as essential to dissolve dead skin cell build-up. Apple Cider Vinegar contains beneficial doses of acetic, lactic, citric, and malic acids to exfoliate the skin gently. Mix 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar with one tablespoon applesauce.
How To Use: Apply to the face evenly being careful to avoid the eye area. Let sit for 15-20 minutes before removing with cool water.

DIY Exfoliating & Moisturizing Facial Mask

Homemade Facial Toner Cream
Ingredients: Honey, Sugar, Oat, and Avocado
How To Prepare: Mix one tablespoon of raw organic honey, 1/2 an avocado, one tablespoon raw sugar, and a small handful of ground oats.
How To Use: Apply the mixture to a clean face and allow to sit for 15-20 minutes. Remove with a warm washcloth.

Homemade Anti-Aging Chocolate Facial

Chocolate DIY Face Mask
Ingredients: Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, Cacao Powder
How To Prepare: Use this organic facial mask as a skin repairing and anti-aging skincare treatment. You can put it on your ice cream as a dessert topper – it’s really up to you. But with only two ingredients, this Chocolate Facial Mask is good enough to eat! Stir together one tablespoon softened, organic coconut oil with two tablespoons dark cacao powder.
How To Use: Apply to face and let sit 15-20 minutes before removing the mask with a warm washcloth. Lick up whatever’s left around your lips for additional internal benefits!
For a more intensive and beneficial skincare treatment, book an appointment for one of our Organic Facials Boca Raton Day Spa.

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